Saturday 24 October 2015

Why our branding is unique

From: The desk of the Partners of Coffee on the Rock Radio

The other day a marketing student who has great potential to be a wonderful success in her industry asked me a good a question: "How do we market our show hosts?"

Being a digital enterprise I could've answered a million ways. I could've said that we use social media, or that its for each host to decide how they want to be branded. I could also have gone into a long complicated sh-peel with marketing jargon and long terminology of how we do it.
Instead I said to her:
"We brand and market the show and its content. Not the voice or the show host who is delivering it."

I am sure you must be thinkng: "WHAT?", that perhaps this is utter madness, and to this student's credit she thought so too, although she was way to polite to express it but it was written all over her face. I'm sure due to what she is studying show must've immediately summed this up as business suicide. In today's society she probably has a point.

Until recently the full impact of my answer to her did not really sink in with me. Today I finished reading a book that gave an introduction to the world of fame and the consequences that come with that path. That's when my answer to her hit me like a ton of bricks.

I now remember her comment to me after I gave her that answer:
"But Why? It's the show hosts that make the show. They are what its all about. They are the show."
She opened my eyes today, although the conversation took place weeks ago, she helped me see the difference between this world and the Kingdom World.

This world focuses only on the here and now, where the value lies in making you believe that the imperfect is perfect and thus encourages you to blindly follow it. We follow these human characters "celebs" to such a point that one will copy every fashion trend, figure of speech they use, mistake they make, every blunder they encounter and even every atrocity that they will commit. that eventually you start to do the same regardless. We have created a world of human idols that we worship blindly.

I was reminded through this book I read about the very heart of what the Coffee on the Rock Radio was built on:
"We are the messengers, NOT the message."

We build our shows and brand the shows not hosts because we are not the message. The show is merely the messenger. Our message is to show the Love of Christ and that God has a plan for each of us. (Jeremiah 29:11-14)

The Kingdom way is higher than mere human way. The skills and content we share is of a priceless value because it will be the greatest treasure you ever will receive. It's more than skills, it's knowledge that will bring your talents to the greatest potential ever because it's fueled and fitted with a power to great, you will never be able to fathom it.

So we will stick to our original agenda and will not make human idols by branding our show hosts instead of our shows.

I would like to thank the author of the book that inspired this deep insight: Karen Kingsbury who wrote the book Fame.
I would also like to thank TobyMac who's song "Steal my show" that gave me the path of thought in compiling this messge.

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